CoreXY Printers Compared: Bambu X1 Vs Prusa XL Vs Voron 2.4, Which Is Best? - 3docity

If you’re in the market for an upscale consumer-grade printer with a ton of tech and larger build volume, you’re likely going to choose one of the three frontrunners built on the CoreXY platform: The Bambu X1, the Prusa XL, or the Voron 2.4.

In this quick guide, we’ll compare these three printers, give an in-depth look into their features, and ultimately decide which printer is the best option. Let’s get started with a quick definition.

What Is a CoreXY Printer?

You’ll notice that all three of these printers are built on the CoreXY platform, but what does that mean? These can be compared to an “i3-style” platform, and it refers to the mechanical frame that the part was built on.

More specifically, it details how the pulleys are assembled around the metal framework of the printer. Remember, pullies are used to move around the hotend which prints your part. The configuration of these pullies is highly sophisticated and requires a lot of engineering.

If the driving motors are on the extrusion head, then the assembly will be too heavy, and the final print will not be accurate. That means the motors need to go at the base, which forces the pullies to stretch a long distance — a problem that leads to reliability and performance issues.

With a CoreXY pully assembly, the pullies are strategically placed to minimize torque, maximize precision, maximize speed, and create a longer-lasting assembly.

Since CoreXY is such a solid platform, it makes sense that so many companies are using it for their consumer-grade printers.

All About the Bambu X1

The team at Bambu wanted to use technology to their advantage with the X1. The result is a plethora of high-tech features like automatic bed leveling with sensors and a scan, AI inspection of the first layer to make sure everything is okay, and 43 sensors that work together to provide the best real-time feedback during your print.

The head supposedly moves up to 500 mm/s, which is incredibly fast for this category. For its price, you get a well-made, fully-assembled, high-tech printer. The built-in material system can handle up to 16 colors which allows you to make vibrant prints with dissolvable supports.

The build volume is smaller than the Prusa XL and upgraded Voron 2.4, but the added features more than make up for that. Plus, you’re getting a high-quality printer that can hit tight tolerances and deliver exceptional color gradients.

All About the Prusa XL

The Prusa XL is the largest, most expensive option on this list, but you get a lot for the price. It comes from 3D printing titans Prusa — a team that already has a number of frontrunning printers in its catalog.

There’s another factor that comes with this name: reliability and support. Bambu and Voron put together great platforms, but you’ll likely rely on forum posts and discussions within the community. With the XL, it’s easy to get in contact with a support team from Prusa and they’re using a platform and software that they’ve used and developed for years. They even have a dedicated page to help you (linked here).

The Prusa XL comes with features like a no-slip drive gear to improve print quality, 16 individually controllable segments in the hotbed, mesh bed leveling, and up to 5 print heads.

For the price, it’s hard to find another comparable printer that can do so much.

All About the Voron 2.4

Of these three printers, the Voron 2.4 is the only one that you can purchase today for immediate shipping — but there’s a small catch. You can’t purchase this as an assembled printer, you can only buy the parts from the bill of material (BOM) and put it together yourself.

Some companies package the BOM together as a dedicated kit so you can buy from one place instead of shopping around.

However, this comes with a bonus. Shipping is easier, and it’s less effort for the company selling the kit. As a result, you can get this Voron for less than half the price of the Bambu X1 and up to four times cheaper than the Prusa XL.

The other added bonus is that the printer is almost fully adjustable. The build volume ranges from 250 cubic mm to 350 cubic mm, and there are a ton of community-developed mods for the Voron 2.4.

It’s a very inexpensive CoreXY that offers great reliability, clean aesthetics, and an impressive range of features — not to mention modularity that you won’t find on the XL or X1.

The upgraded kit comes with an acrylic enclosure, a texture-finished magnetic PEI build plate, a self-leveling proprietary printhead, and modular software choices.

If you choose the Klipper firmware, you’ll enjoy faster computing which means quicker print times.

Comparisons at a Glance

In this section, we’ll compare these three printers based on a few key categories. By doing this direct comparison, you’ll get a good idea of how these printers rank, depending on what you’re looking for.


The price is the driving factor for a lot of buyers. Current prices are based on pre-order options or premade kits found online from trusted vendors.

Bambu X1: Pre-order for about $1,750.

Prusa XL: Pre-order an assembled single-head for $2,499, double-head for $2,999, 5-head for $3,999. For semi-assembly, subtract $500 from each price.

Voron 2.4: From $750 for the smallest to $1,000+ for the largest with the most features.

Best option: The Voron 2.4 if you don’t mind building it, otherwise the Bambu X1.

Build Volume

The build volume describes what the largest part is that the printer can make in one go. A larger volume means that a larger part can be made.

Bambu X1: 256 x 256 x 256 mm.

Prusa XL: 360 x 360 x 360 mm.

Voron 2.4: From 250 x 250 x 250 mm to 350 x 350 x 350 mm.

Best option: The largest option is the Prusa XL, but all three offer impressive build volumes.


The resolution tells you how detailed and fine the part can reliably be. A large resolution translates to blocky, Minecraft-esque parts.

Bambu X1: 5 μm

Prusa XL: 5 μm

Voron 2.4: 5 μm

Best option: A tie, the resolution depends on the hotend used.

Hotend Temperature

The hotend temperature will determine what materials can be printed. It explains how hot the extruder gets — the temperature is required to melt incoming material, otherwise you can’t print with said material.

Bambu X1: 300°C.

Prusa XL: N/A, expected around 300°C.

Voron 2.4: 300°C.

Best option: A tie, all of these printers can handle roughly the same temperatures and materials.

Hotbed Temperature

The hotbed temperature will determine how well the print sticks to the build volume. This influences things like material selection, build quality, and performance of your printer.

Bambu X1: 110°C.

Prusa XL: 100°C.

Voron 2.4: 110°C.

Best option: A tie, all of these printers can handle roughly the same temperatures and materials.


What about the wait time you’ll experience when you go to buy each of these printers?

Bambu X1: Currently on pre-order for delivery in late 2022.

Prusa XL: Currently on pre-order for delivery in mid-2023.

Voron 2.4: Immediately available for delivery.

Best option: The Voron 2.4 is the best option if you don’t want to wait for your printer.

Which Is the Best Option?

On paper, these three printers are very similar. The key differences arise when you consider things like their price, added features, availability, and level of tech.

If you want a high-tech option that offers impressive features to make each print easier, then you should consider the Bambu X1.

For a low-cost option that’s reliable, well-built, modular, but requires a lot of one-time assembly, then go with the Voron 2.4.

If you don’t mind spending extra for a printer with a trusted history, easy support from the developers, a massive build volume, and a long list of features, the Prusa XL is for you.


As you just learned, all three of these CoreXY printers are very impressive. They offer a good range of features and technology, and they span a decent spectrum of prices. Now it’s your turn to decide which one is right for your specific needs.


Article written by Connor Benedict for

Images sourced from Bambu Lab’s, Prusa and LDO Motors.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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